Practice Messaging
Patient Messaging is an AccuRx functionality for sending messages internally. These messages are NOT recorded in the patient's notes.
Sending A New Practice Message

Go to the inbox on the Accurx toolbar

This is the inbox. At first sight, there is very little different, but look closely!
- You can now send a message to notify someone using @, or you can just attach a comment. THIS IS NOT SAVED TO THE PATIENT's Record.
- Patient (SMS) still allows you to send SMS messages to patients (see below)

Patient SMS still allows you to send messages to patients. This is saved to the patient record.

You can send a message to another team member by using @ and start typing their name.

You can send a message to more than one member - each will be notified of the message!

Once the message is sent, other practice / team members will be notified and there will be an OPEN ticket created.

Within your inbox - you will see messaged assigned to yourself and also any mentions.

There are a variety of options here:
- Respond to the message with a note/ comment, followed by assigning the open task to another individual/s or a team.
- Action the task directly and/or message the patient (SMS) as one would normally do. Any clinical action of course would need to be within the clinical system.
These comments are not save to the medical record but are saved within AccuRx inbox itself.

You can assign the open task to an individual or a team

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