Pathways/ Delayed Text Messaging
Accurx offers the ability to send a reminder to patients. This can be useful for tasks such as blood test monitoring, blood pressure reading reminders, chronic disease review etc.
Firstly access the relevant patient's record and select the text message option from the Accurx toolbar
On the text message template select the pathway option
Select a preferred option
There is a multitude of preset pathways, however if there is not one of your preference you can customize your own.
An option for annual recall is available - consideration must be taken re potential changes of telephone number etc.
In the free version of the app each user can only set up 5 pathways per week.
Sadly Accurx has not activated the attachment option for this section, yet. This means you cannot set a pathway with an attached form
You will be able to see in the message trail the send and queued messages
If you wish to tailor a pathway to a specific patient this can easily be done by selecting the Custom Pathway option
Here you can create a custom send date, but also freely type a text of your choice
You can also add multiple future messages
Currently there is no option for storing custom pathways, so this has to be done on a case by case basis
In some cases one may have accidentally sent a pathway message with a future text that they wish to cancel.
First click on your initials on the Accurx toolbar
Select the option "Manage Practice"
A new window will pop-up on your browser.
The options in this drop list will differ based on access rights. This should be discussed with the in house "Accurx lead" for the organisation.
Here you will be able to see a list of the queued messages for your practice
You will need to know the patient NHS number to be able to identify the message you wish to cancel
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