Sharing a file with a patient
Attaching a file to a patient has been a recent addition to Accurx that has useful for remote clinical work. Files such as: e- FIT notes, blood test forms, e-Booklets can be shared directly to patient phones.
If unsure about this please refer to this useful guide about Getting Started with Accurx

It is useful to know where your file is located in advance and that files containing sensitive information (e.g. blood forms) are clearly identifiable/ named.
Click on "Attach File"

Double check that the right patient contact details appear on Accurx
Select file and click "Open"

Attachments are shared to patients via link. Patients have to click on the link and enter their date of birth to download attachments.

Attachments are only available for 14 days. Remind patients to download attachments prior to this as they may be lost (e.g. blood form sent electronically, but to be completed in 6 weeks).
Confirm Correct Patient Details/ Attachment Details


Text message received

Open message and press on the link

Enter date of birth and press continue

The attachment will now open

Attachments can be saved differently based on patient's operating system.
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