SystmOne (TPP): Med3 digital
This shows a step by step workflow for sending Fit Notes to patients using Accurx ChainSMS service with the new functionality to attach documents.
This is created using:
- Clinical system SystmOne (TPP)
- Bullzip PDF but you can use any of your choice
- (Cute PDF - freeware)
- (Claw PDF - opensource)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
MASSIVE thanks to Dr Avi Pillai and his team who have pointed out that Bullzip is only free for personal use! They recommend Cute or Claw PDF which are freewares. They also have a lovely video on YouTube about using the PDF printer.

Ensure that your PDF printer is set as default. In SystmOne, Med3 generation will print directly from your default printer. There will be no optional printer dialogue.

Bullzip is highly customisable so these settings may be totally different for you.

Locate your pdf file and open it in Adobe Acrobat

Now you are ready to sign the fit note.

I've already got a signature but you can add yours, or add multiple

You can draw on a trackpad or use your mouse

Now just select/ drag your signature to where you need it

Once you are done proceed

Save it and replace your original fit note

Now on Chain SMS, send your message as normal and attach the file.

Remember to DELETE the fit note file after it has been sent

This is how it is recorded in the clinical notes
liz keller
I cannot find the attach file link
Is it live yet?
Jacky Aw
It should be live on your Accurx - if not contact them and they should be able to activate it for you Liz!
Our sick notes default to a PNG file not PDF so cannot open in Adobe - any suggestions?
rajeev sekhon
can I do med 3 on accurx
Jacky Aw
I don't believe you can do a med3 on Accurx. The eMed3 or Med3's can only be generated within the clinical system.
Jacky Aw
Ciara. It will be your default setting on your pdf printer which outputs as a PNG rather than PDF. Check your PDF printer setting.
Dilip Patel
I have just used this and found it very useful, however one problem I have is how to rotate the Med 3 by 90 degrees so that I can sign it correctly.
(Do we have to subscribe for the rotation function on A.Acrobat?)
Jacky Aw
Dilip - you can rotate it (see the instructions above). It is a free feature of Adobe Acrobat!