Smear Results

1. Pathology Inbox

SystmOne GP: Dr Jacky Aw (Caldicott Guardian) at Loomer Road Surgery - Home
SystmOne GP: Dr Jacky Aw (Caldicott Guardian) at Loomer Road Surgery - Pathology / Radiology Inbox
2. Normal Result
Results 2

Things to check

  • HPV status
  • Cytology result (only done if HPV is positive)
  • Recall
Patient record

Go to the patient record and navigate to the 'Cervical Screening' node in the clinical tree.

This may look different as there are different clinical tree layouts depending on your job role.

Clinical Tree

Check that the incoming result matches the smear history and that the result is expected

You cannot add a result if there is one already

Add Result

The info previously noted is required:

  • HPV status
  • Cytology (if done)
  • Recall
Results Template
Filling in Results
  1. Slide number is a required field but not important. If there is a slide number enter it, and if not, just enter any letter or number.
  2. Screening result relates to the CYTOLOGY - which if the HPV status is negative, then leave blank
  3. HPV status is either negative or positive (choose the one with the 'QOF' icons)
  4. Recall is auto-calculated - depending on the age of the patient (based on the national cervical screening pathway).

This is for a different patient showing a different recall duration based on age 24-49 years old.

Results Complete

You can now see the result which has been entered.

Please note that a result cannot be added (option is disabled)

Return to Results

Once completed, return to result - pathology inbox - to file the report.
